Monday, 5 October 2009

Evaluation 4

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
I have learned how to use the apple Mac computers to edit my media piece on the Imovie programme. This i a picture of Imovie on a Mac computer.
I thought the Mac computers were user friendly with it being easy to import and edit clips. I have learnt that not only can you cut the clip down to the size you want you can also add fades to make the clips run even smoother and keep the continuity in the shots. In my film I used both a fade in and a fade out to show that time had passed instead if it just skipping to the next scene because it would have looked unprofessional with having the person in one place at one shot and then in another on the next. You can also add effects onto the shots such as rain and lightning. I was able to add titles and credits to my film to make it look more professional using the text tool. I was able to adjust the font, size, speed, and colour of the text. I also changed the way the text came onto the screen. My credits were red writing with a yellow light going across the letters but you could have had the letters spinning bouncing etc.
The cameras were very user friendly as well. You could have a fade put on while filming and you could change the light and shutter speed of the shot using iris. I didn’t use the fade on the cameras because they would not have been used in every shot for my film so I thought it would be quicker to edit the fades in on the apple Mac’s. This is a picture of the camera used and the tripods which kept the camera still and flat.
I have also changed the way my background looks on blogger because instead of the normal templates I have found the really good Jason background. I found the background on a website called pyzam.
I think this background looks a lot better than the blogger templates because it fits in with the horror slasher film. I have changed the settings of the layout to what the origional Jason background because all the writing would be grey. I though that by adding different colours for different parts of the text would make it stand out more and look better.