Sunday 4 October 2009


Today I added the pictures to my film opening and it works well but I found that there was no special effects of the sound of a camera taking a picture. I felt that this would really improve my work to have the sound effect so I had to film the sound of the camera taking a picture and then make it just have the sound so I could have the sound of the picture being taken at the same time as the action I happening. The boyfriend will not be a boyfriend to the girl but it will be a boy that the girl likes and the stalker is jealous of the fact that she likes the boy and not him. These are examples of the pictures that I have used in film opening. I thought the choice of actors was good because Emily has pink hair which stands out from the crowd so you know who the stalker is following. I also think that the way Emily has dressed is good because she looks like a normal teenage girl which I wanted to portray her as.