Monday 5 October 2009

Evaluation 3

Who is your audience and how do you address this audience?
My target audience is teenagers and people in their early twenties who like gory horror films. By having my main characters as teenagers, the audience would be able to relate the characters more due to them being a similar age. They would also be able to relate to the problems they have for example being alone and vulnerable in a big city. Also by having a killing early on in the film we are grabbing the attention of the audience as the expectation of horror films have changed. Halloween was seen as a gory film and shocked it audiences but audiences are getting more used to seeing gory killing scene. The audience want to see faster paced action and this is how my media project fits in my target audience

This is the first person I am aiming my trailer towards because he will be part of my target market.

This is the second person that I am aiming my trailer to because although he is different to the first person he is still in my target audience.

This is another type of person that my gangster genre will apple to and it part of my traget audience. This is important that I know who my target audience is because if I know this then I can my my work more specific to there needs. I will use the generic conventions of gangster films to help me do this.