Sunday 30 August 2009


The characters that I am going to have in my film are;
Chris Berk will play the stalker. The story is that he is obsessed with Emily but Emily doesn’t know him. Chris gets jealous of any person who Emily likes so he kills them in hope that Emily will like him. I will put this across in the 2 minutes by having the things that he does be abnormal such as following someone while they are shopping just to take pictures. Having all the pictures pinned up on the wall in his room and killing the boyfriend shows that he is obsessed with her.

Emily will play the girl that is being stalked. She will be walking around shopping normally and won’t notice that she is being stalked. This adds to the tension because if the stalker can get close to the girl without her knowing he will be able to hurt or kill her.
A theorist called Propp suggests that there are '8 spheres of action' or 8 character roles. This theory is based on fairy tails but is still relevent to most films. The eight character roles are,
1) hero - This would be someone who could be helping Emily
2) villain- This would be Chris
3) doner- this could be someone who helps Emily and the hero hide from chris
4) helper- this could be the heros friend
5) princess-the could be Emily
6) her father- this would be Emilys father
7) dispatcher- this could be the heros friend saying to go on a date with Emily
8) false hero-this could be