Sunday 16 August 2009

killers identity

Killer’s identity
I have done some experimenting with the killer’s identity. This is the killer. I have had a look at different ways that I could hide the stalkers identity.

I thought this mask looks good because it looks a bit creepy but not to conspicuous that the person being stalked would straight away think that are being stalked. From my research I found that the mask worked well in scream and Halloween.

This mask is good because it completely hides the stalker identity but by doing this it makes it a bit conspicuous so it will be a bit obvious that they don’t want to be seen and the girl will then know that something is wrong.

This is the way that I will hide my killer’s identity. I have decided to have just the hood on because the audience get to see little bits of the killer but won’t get to see enough to distinguish who it is. I think it also adds more tension because having a hood up is quite common now so it is harder to know he is a killer than having a mask on because it doesn’t stand out as much. The camera angles that I will use will be mid shots and side on shots. I won’t have any close up shots of the face because it will reveal the stalker and I don’t want the audience to know who the killer is until the end of the film.