Monday 17 August 2009


This is the place that I am planning to do my filming for idea 1. I think that that pond and the wood so close will work well for my horror film because it keeps tension with the actors not having to run far before they are at the woods. I would do the filming in the evening just as the sun is starting to go down. This was it will get darker as we are filming which will build tension because it make the actors seem more isolated the darker it gets.

For idea 2 I will have a mix of locations. It will start with a girl shopping which could be done in Leicester city centre.

Then I will have one room as the stalkers bedroom. Instead of having the leaflets I will have the pictures of the girl pinned up. I may also change the light bulb to make it less powerful so it will be a darker room adding to the effect of the stalker being obsessed of the girl because he is staying up late at night to look at pictures of the girl.

One of the rooms will be a dark room to develop the pictures that the stalker has taken of the girl shopping

And one for the chair and table with all the unusual equipment.